Welcome to the line up for the September Farmers’ Market. We are delighted to welcome back Izzi Rainey, after the summer, with her grass fed beef from Bates Moor Farm.
Please note the following stallholders are unable to attend:
The Welly Boot Bakery, Meze Turka, Norfolk Raider Cider, Whatahoot and Battie & Hoo will return in October.
Madam Gezal will return to the market when staffing allows.
Please use the contact details if you wish to pre-order and pre-pay.
Acropolis Foods - Sam's olives, marinated olives, baklava and Turkish delight t: 07446 000996 e: acropolisfoods@yahoo.com
Aish Bakery - Daniel and his daughter with Jewish style deli items and morning goods @aishbakeryuk e: aishbakery@yahoo.com
Bates Moor Farm - Locally reared, grass fed beef from Foulsham e: batesmoorfarmbeef@gmail.com
Biscuits and Beyond - Sweet and savoury biscuits. Contact Adele Pacini for more info biscuitsandbeyond11@gmail.com
Bread Source - Award winning artisan bread and morning goods from Aylsham e: hello@bread-source.co.uk
Burn Valley Vineyard - Award winning local wines www.burnvalleyvineyard.co.uk
Candi’s Chutney – Outstanding chutneys with seasonal specials e: candir1@aol.com t: 01362 683348
Cardarelli’s Cakery - homemade cakes, brownies and cookies http://www.cardarelliscakery.co.uk/
Clare’s Cheesecake Corner - Delicious homemade cheesecakes FB: https://www.facebook.com/p/Clares-Cheesecake-corner-100080591065325/ NEW!!
Cockle Bay Stoves - a local company based in Wells next the Sea offering their own designed and manufactured outdoor wood burning stoves www.cocklebaystoves.com
Currylicious - Family-run Norfolk based Indian food business offering authentic curries and Indian snacks from the Punjab. e: info@currylicious.co.uk t:07957 402402
Dollies Bakery - Artisan bakery from Wroxham serving a wide offering of sweet and savoury pastry options - please note that Dollies will not be bringing their sourdough at the present time as the market is very fortunate to have other sourdough producers already attending. t: 01603 855251 e: Dolliesbakeryinfo@gmail.com
Emporium Norwich - Brazilian artisanal chocolates e: info@emporiumnorwich.com
Fen Farm Venison - home reared venison from South Lincolnshire, cuts of pork and fresh eggs e: info@fenfarmvenison.co.uk t: 01529 421272
Freckles of Hannah - A fresh and vibrant selection of salads and homemade quiche. Menu published on Instagram the week before @frecklesofhannah or visit www.frecklesofhannah.co.uk
Fryers-Stile Cottage Pies - Savoury and sweet pies e: fryerjulie93@gmail.com t: 07500 542743
Glovers Farm Pasture Raised Eggs - Nutrient rich, pasture fed chickens create beautiful eggs central this farm’s central commitment to regenerative agriculture e: marievans1@hotmail.com NEW!!
Goodtogo - Healthy homemade granola, porridge blends and GoGo Bites w: www.goodtogoltd.co.uk
Hands-on-Preserves – Alison's pickles, chutneys and jam t: 07783 888208
Hestia Patisserie - Professional chef turned small business owner with exceptional patisserie - specialising at this market in marshmallows, macarons, meringues and cheesecakes w: https://www.hestia-patisserie.co.uk/
Hunters Chocolate - Highest quality artisan chocolates from Fakenham together with a Food Academy https://hunterschocolate.co.uk/introduction/
Jelly Cottage Plants – Herbaceous plants, planters and gifts e: mbjcp@hotmail.com t: 01263 577727
Le Digestif - the return of fresh sauerkraut and kimchi under new ownership e: info.ledigestif@gmail.com
Leigh’s Bees – Leigh's honey, raw or mildly heat treated runny honey and comb e: leigh@leighsbees.co.uk t: 07787 123327
Loaf.Microbakery - Local, handmade sourdough and focaccia t: 07703 191738 e: loaf.microbakery@yahoo.com
Love my Fudge & Shake - North Norfolk based local fudge maker
Marsh Pig Charcuterie – Jackie's British charcuterie; salami, chorizo, lomo, bresaola, coppa & jerky e: jackie@marshpig.co.uk t: 01508 480560
Mayu Retreats - Fresh, nutritious juices and shots plus healthier cakes and slices (mostly naturally gluten free and made with no refined sugars). Contact Pamela for more info on 07929 061 351 www.mayuretreats.co.uk
Norfolk Chilli Farm - Sean Cannon with chilli products including sauces, dipping oil, and candied jalapeños w:https://norfolkchillifarm.com/
Norfolk Doggy Deli - Home-baked dog biscuits from Norfolk e: info@norfolkdoggydeli.co.uk
Norfolk Mushroomery - fresh mushrooms, dried mushrooms, mushroom seasoning and ‘grow your own’ kits e: norfolkmushroomery@gmail.com NEW!!
Norfolk Tea Company - Hand crafted tea and roasted coffee beans t: 07377 706383
Norton’s Dairy – Cream cheeses, natural yogurt, cream and butter made by hand on the family farm using their own fresh milk e: nortonsdairy@btinternet.com t: 01603 736569
Old Coach House Fruit - Preserves, jellies and chutneys together with soft fruits grown locally when in season e: stephenrhbrown@hotmail.com
OliveOlive – Rob's olive oil from Greece, fresh halloumi e: info@oliveolive.co.uk
Panther Brewery – Martin offering artisan local beer e: martin@pantherbrewery.co.uk t: 01603 871163
Peppy Neds - Small batch doughnuts t: 07896 476763 e: annabel.greenwood@gmail.com
Pies, Puds & Tarts - fresh, handmade pies from Walsingham t: 01328 822255 e: info@walsinghamcafe.co.uk
Primrose Farm Meats - Small scale, home reared, rare breed pork, beef and game. https://www.primrosefarmmeats.com/
Pulvertoft Flowers - An artisan flower grower selling locally grown seasonal fresh and dried flowers. Bunches, bouquets and wreaths are available year round styled in a wild romantic style e: fiona@fionapaxton.co.uk
Redfields Fruit & Vegetables - local and seasonal fruit and vegetable supplier from Roughton, Norfolk - pre-orders welcome. Please call John to pre-order on 07496 720877
Royal Blue Meat Co. - Family run butcher based at Wisbech with fresh meat, cut to order and boned, stuffed chicken plus sausages and general butchery items t: 07753 587024
SAM Sharp - Matt with mobile knife and blade sharpening equipment. Call in advance to ask what he can do to help you with your knives and blades t: 07309 118555.
Sandringham Apple Juice – Andrew Jarvis' fine apple juices e: info@sandringhamapplejuice.co.uk t: 07810 310757
Scoby’s Ferments - Naturally fermented kombucha, brewed in East Anglia w: https://scobys.co.uk/ NEW!!
Son of Christie Cheesemonger - Norfolk based cheesemonger offering a wide range of speciality cheeses from Norfolk, the UK and Europe. Cheese boxes and subscriptions also available. w: https://www.sonofchristie.co.uk/
Staithe Smokehouse - Traditional artisan fish smokehouse from Brancaster Staithe. Contact Phil on t: 07717 702630 or via https://staithesmokehouse.co.uk
The Almond Kitchen - freshly roasted and caramelised almonds to take away
The Galley Horning - A traditional delicatessen with freshly made sausage rolls and pasties and other lighter bites w: https://www.thegalleyhorning.co.uk/markets
The Gobbling Turkey - Stuffed, boneless “floppy” chickens, turkey meat including mince, cuts and prepared goods e: ruralblooms@gmail.com
The Norfolk Spirit Company - Triple distilled Norfolk rum and rum liqueurs e: info@norfolkspiritco.co.uk
Up ‘N’ Mellow - Luxury, ready to eat nut-based porridge together with Jamaican patties (jerk chicken / curry chicken / beef / vegetable) w: https://www.upnmellow.co.uk/
Wild Knight Distillery - Premium vodkas which are unique, with Nelson’s Gold - caramelised vodka, a particular hit w: https://www.wildknightdistillery.co.uk/
The Barn Café will be open from 9.30am. We are pleased to welcome the following vendors also:
Fen Farm Venison - fresh venison burgers and venison steak sandwiches, venison burgers and steaks plus home-cured collar bacon sandwiches and Lincolnshire sausage sandwiches, offered on white or wholemeal bread.
Owie’s Big Black Piggy Porkers - bacon or sausage baps, pork burgers
The Hope Coffee Co - Artisan coffee, tea and luxury hot chocolate
Coffeesmiths - Artisan coffee, tea, chai drinks and soft drinks